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Community Update, Jan 30th: New versions of counterparty-lib and counterblock

It’s time for the community update, and this week we’re excited to report we’ve released new versions of counterparty-lib and counterblock. v 9.53.0 of counteprarty-lib is an incremental upgrade with numerous bug fixes and performance enhancements which adds support for the 80-byte OP_RETURN. Note that, due to the undolog feature no longer tracking the messages table, a reparse will be required during upgrade (counterparty-lib will automatically perform this upon restarting). v1.3.1 of counterblock contains modified blockfeed logic to work with reorgs properly, enhanced blockfeed error recovery logic to make more robust and minimize/remove chance of blockfeed hangs, new fields in the _api handler, and code upgraded to work with pymongo >= 3.1. Besides new product versions, this week we also had 2 new devparty projects registered, which makes a total of 15 new Counterparty integrations in development. Voting tokens have been sent out and the voting will start on February 9th. That concludes our update for this week. If you have any questions you can contact us via our Slack, forum or github. Don’t forget to follow us on social media and subscribe to our newsletter to receive weekly updates via email.


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